- 대한침구의학회
- 경락경혈학회
- 대한한의영상학회

대한침구의학회 회장 양 기 영
Dear Esteemed Colleagues
On behalf of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society (KAMMS), I’m honored to invite you to the International Symposium on Acupuncture Korea 2024 (ISAK 2024), to be held at EXCO in Daegu, Korea, from November 16th to 17th, 2024.
Commemorating the 2nd Acupuncture Day, ISAK 2024 is a collaborative endeavor between three esteemed Korean academic societies - Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society, Society for Meridian & Acupoint, and Korean Medical Imaging Association - and two leading acupuncture organizations from Japan (Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) and Taiwan (Chinese Medical Association of Acupuncture). This international congress aims to foster insightful discussions on acupuncture and related techniques, showcasing the latest advancements in the field.
The symposium agenda features keynote addresses by renowned scholars and presentations showcasing groundbreaking research milestones in the field of acupuncture. Participants will gain valuable insights into the latest clinical guidelines and cutting-edge advancements, including the integration of VR, AI, Neuroimage, and Ultrasound into acupuncture practice. Beyond the academic sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue, share knowledge, and establish professional connections.
We invite you to submit abstracts for poster presentations and actively participate in the congress. Your contributions will enrich the event and foster a stimulating exchange of ideas. We sincerely hope you will join us in Daegu for ISAK 2024.
Warm regards,
YANG GiYoung
Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society
Co-chairs of ISAK

경락경혈학회 학회장 김 재 효
Welcome! We’re pleased to invite you to the International Symposium on Acupuncture Korea 2024 (ISAK 2024).
It’s our honor to co-host the ISAK 2024 with the Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society and the Korean Medical Imaging Association under the theme of ‘Acupuncture Research Building a Better Future through Collaboration’.
Acupuncture is expanding beyond its East Asian medical traditions to become a scientific Evidence-Based part of healthcare around the world. In Korea, Acupuncture Day will be celebrated on November 11 since 2023, and we are expanding the knowledge and technology of acupuncture into the medical community and healing field. This international symposium will be an opportunity to share scientific and clinical evidence related to acupuncture with various researchers.
In particular, it will be an opportunity to meet new acupuncture techniques that combine various imaging modalities including ultrasound. We look forward to meeting researchers, clinicians, and educators from all over the country and abroad, and wish everyone a memorable symposium.
Jaehyo Kim
President / Society for Meridian & Acupoint
Co-chairs of ISAK

대한한의영상학회 회장 송 범 용
Dear colleagues of the Korean medicine! and foreign scholars!Welcome to Daegu, one of the big cities in Korea, and it is very nice to meet you.We are here today to join ISAK2024, co-hosted by the Korean Society of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine(대한침구의학회), the Society for Meridian and Acupoint(경락경혈학회) and the Korean Medical Imaging Association(대한한의영상학회). Our three academic societies that are exemplary and progressively leading at the forefront of Korean medicine shared great meaning.
Today, the development of Acupuncture and Imaging system(including radiology) is required based on meridians at the intersection of tradition and innovation. This is thought to be only part of an effort to improve patients care and make the health of the people high quality. This process can be further consolidated in interdisciplinary cooperation through a repetitive advanced learning and a technological development. In addition, accepting and utilizing the treatment technology that develops day by day while preserving the spirit of Korean medicine that has passed down thousands of years is truly the direction we should pursue.
I hope it will be an opportunity to share and develop our thoughts through such a great academic conference, and I would like to thank all the officials who worked hard to make the event happen. Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to many people who participated.
Thank you.
Song Beom-Yong
President / Korean Medical Imaging Association
Co-chairs of ISAK